Complaint Procedure

Victor Buck Services is committed to provide agile, integre and excellent service to its customers. However, despite our commitment and efforts it may occur that you are not satisfied with our services. In that perspective our customers have the opportunity to lodge a formal complaint to Victor Buck Services, as per CSSF Regulation 16-07. Please note that personal data will be processed in the context of the complaint as described in the Privacy Statement.

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction addressed to recognize a right or redress a harm. If you wish to express your complaint/dissatisfaction, please fill this form.

And sent it back either :

Complaint office :

Victor Buck Services
IVY Building
13-15, Parc d’Activités
L-8308 Capellen

An acknowledgement of our receipt of your complaint will be issued within 10 business days after the receipt of the complaint. A full and detailed response should be provided to you within one month of the receipt of your complaint. 

Your right of recourse to the Regulator and right to be informed of this:

If despite our best efforts, our answer remains dissatisfactory to you, you have the right to contact the CSSF directly. You must lodge your complaint within one year after the original complaint is lodged with VBS.

A copy of the form which may be used this out-of court complaint resolution procedure is available at the following link:

The link below gives the full text of the CSSF Regulation 16-07 relating to the out-of-court complaint resolution: